A project proposal with the working title "bwGRiD - complementary measures", approved from 01/07/11 and running until midyear 2013, sets the course for the future of the bwGRiD: The proposal aims to further improve location independent utilisation, to make access easier and to increase the number of users while expanding support.
For the future it is expected that the operation of bwGRiD resources will be further developed at a small number of selected locations. The development of easy-to-use access mechanisms, portals, software solutions and other services (e.g. bwGRiD-wide first-line support, but also monitoring etc.), as well as attraction, support and promotion of users and communities will become even more important and will take place geographically decentralised.
The infrastructure, provided, upgraded and improved by the bwGRiD and the complementary measures is to be operated sustainably. The developed prototypes, e.g. the coupling of local helpdesks with the NGI-DE-Helpdesk are to be made ready for production and deployed in all of Baden-Württemberg. Terms of use are to be prepared, to ease e.g. sign-up procedures for access to the bwGRiD, and these terms of use are to be valid beyond the period of project funding. The aspired decentralised operation of the clusters is to be rendered possible on-going. Materials for the propagation, promotion, training and access for users are to be made available even beyond the end of the project. Experiences gained when integrating further academic users and university sections are to be documented and shared in form of reports. And the bwGRiD Science Portal itself is to become a permanent facility for academics in Baden-Württemberg after go-live. To support this sustainable undertaking, an extension of the current bwGRiD project or a respective follow-up project is intended.